Project Description

The Fabrique des arts 3.0 is a place of artistic creation consisting of individual and collective workspaces combined with a set of studios – sound, image, video, virtual reality, digital fabrication, assembly. Spaces are planned to host business seminars and the entire ground floor is open to the public. There is an exhibition gallery, a fablab for local residents and schools, and a brewery that commands a large garden.
The team developed this program in relation to the culture of the site, its history, its sociology, with uses that integrate the site, respect its organization and the way it is circulated. Then we immersed in the places of art and manufacturing that are made up of neutral, functional, and flexible spaces.
The Fabrique des arts 3.0 will welcome artists in residence every year who will be able to rely on an ecosystem of craftsmen, architects, and designers to support them in their projects of digital artwork design. It is also a place of practice and transmission that aims to address all. Parisians will thus be able to benefit from a program of initiations and trainings, to stroll, to eat, to make, … The galleries will be invited to integrate an incubator of the artistic creation and the companies, in a logic of team building, will be able to offer an immersion in the new fabrications to their teams.
The aim here is to create a new kind of equipment offering a global and empathic ecosystem that articulates in the same synergy artists, gallery owners, diverse audiences as well as patrons and collectors whose vocation is to stimulate the emergence of French digital artists. All this in a beautiful place, inspiring and friendly.


48 rue de Sévigné, Paris 3e
Project management team
BiecherArchitectes, Christian Biecher assisté de / assisted by Eleonora Boncompagni architecte / architect et Frédérique Didier, architecte en chef des monuments historiques
Lignes, Oasiis, Somete, Artelia, Delporte Aumond Laigneau (DAL), MDS, Make Ici, Scintillo SAS, Cueillette Urbaine
Reinventer Paris II – Atelier des Beaux-Arts : réhabilitation d’un hôtel particulier du XVIIe siècle à usage d’atelier d’artistes
1 060 m²